General Practitioner
Dr Patrick Scully
MRCGP (2010)
Dr Alison Irvine (Locum GP - Available by appointment Friday fortnightly)
Treatment Room
Blood samples
Routine blood samples are taken by appointment only on Monday only.
Receptionists: Jodi, Charlotte, Lucy, Sharon
The reception is a busy area of the practice and the staff are there to help you.
Their job is to ease the flow of patients attending the surgery so the Doctor and Nurse can see as many patients as possible within the working day.
They may need to ask you further details, to ensure we can assist you as speedily as possible. They are not being deliberately intrusive, and are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as all medical staff.
Attached Staff
Practice Pharmacist: Sinead Slevin
Our practice pharmacist is available every Wednesday, for medication queries & reviews, B/P checks & monitoring and other advice. Please telephone for a call back appointment.
District Nurse: Sr Helen McGrath & Nursing Staff
The District Nurse visits patients in their own homes to assist with all nursing procedures and to support carers. Initial contact is arranged through the GP. Please speak to reception staff.
Antenatal Clinic
Community Midwife: All bookings and reviews are now held at Omagh Hospital & Primary Care Centre.
Child Health Vaccination Clinic
Board appointed Vaccination Nurse:
Childhood vaccination clinics are held the first and third Wednesday of each month – 10.00am to 12.00pm.
You will receive appointment cards through the post. Please bring your child's red child health book.
Community Health Visitor: Colette Corry provides domiciliary visits and has an important role in the provision of child health services.